Please recheck this application for accuracy and read this statement carefully before signing below.
I acknowledge that the answers provided are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
If offered employment by the company, I agree to conform to all rules and regulations of the Company, which I recognize may be changed without prior notice. I hereby consent to the inspection at any time by Company officials of any property in my possession on Company premises and consent to any physical tests upon the request of a Company official at Company expense to reveal the presence of alcohol or drugs in my system. I understand that failure to submit to such tests will result in immediate termination of employment.
I understand if I am accepted for employment by the Company, my employment will not result in or be subject to a contract of employment. I recognize and agree if I am employed, employment may be terminated at any time by the employee or the Company, with or without notice, with or without cause. I further understand no supervisor or other official of the Company has any authority to enter into any agreement with me for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.
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