As we approach this Christmas and end-of-year holidays it is difficult to do so with the spirit, joyfulness and lightness of heart that we usually share. But in spite of the many challenges and losses we have endured, there is a light at the end of the tunnel that grows brighter by the day. Through the past months, we have also discovered just how strong, resilient, generous and caring we can be. We have been reminded of the things that are truly important to us. And we have been encouraged by the love, giving and sacrifice we have seen from those close to us and from total strangers. As we get closer to that light, remember the healthcare workers, first responders, teachers, store clerks, factory workers and everyone else who has given and risked so much for us, and continue to do so. Take comfort in that light. From all of use at PPCP, Merry Christmas, happy holidays and all the best to you and your loved ones.